Self Confidence
By : adhe sari
Self-confidence, the combination of self-efficacy andself-esteem, is an essential part of humanity.[1] Self-efficacy is the internalsense, or belief that we can accomplish a variety of tasks or goals throughoutlife. Self-esteem, is similar, but more related to believing we are generallycompetent in what we do, and that we deserve to be happy in life. A person withself-confidence generally likes herself, is willing to take risks to achieveher personal and professional goals, and thinks positively about the future.[2] Someone who lack self-confidence, however, is less likely to feel that shecan achieve her goals and she tends to have a negative perspective aboutherself and what she hopes to gain in life. [3] The good news is thatself-confidence is something that you can build on your own!
The first part that you can evaluate from your self is Cultivatinga Good Attitude. Many ways tocultivate good attitude for improving our self confidence such as
1. Identify your negative thoughts.
2. Turn your negative thought to positive thought
3. Refuse to allow negative thoughts to occur moreoften than positive thoughts
4. Maintain a positive support network
5. Eliminate reminders of your negativity.
6. Identify your talents
7. Take pride in yourself.
8. Accept compliments gracefully.
9. Look in the mirror and smile
The second part is Dealing with Emotions that you canmanage in this following :
1. Be comfortable with fear
2. Be patient with yourself.
3. Strive for balance.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others.
5. Recognize your insecurities.
6. Bounce back from your mistakes.
7. Avoid perfectionism
8. Practice gratitude.
The third part would be Practicing Self-Care which contains:
1. Take care of yourself.
2. Put care into your appearance.
3. Exercise regularly
4. Sleep well.
Setting Goals and Taking Risks is the fourth step in improvingyour self confidence.
1. Set small and achievable goals.
2. Embrace the unknown.
3. Address your perceived areas for improvement.
4. Seek to help others.
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